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Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Look at my Lessons 2/8/15

Hi Friends! 
I hope you're all doing well! My weekends always seem to zip by so quickly… so I am not feeling ready for work tomorrow… but rumor has it MANY of you have this Monday off for Lincoln's Birthday! I'm jealous just because I'm tired tonight, but I can't complain…. I actually have this coming Friday (the 13th) off and Monday the 16th off for "President's Weekend". :) It will be so nice to have a 4 day weekend soon!

Today I'm doing my third "A Look at my Lessons" post! :) I'm linking up with Old School Speech for her Week in Review linky, as well!

So…here's a "Look at my Lessons" for the week!
DISCLAIMER: I know everyone has caseloads made up of varying ages and abilities… so my lesson plans may not apply to everyone. However, I often use open-ended reinforcement activities and those can be utilized for many different therapy groups. I should caution that I've listed mainly the materials I'm going to use- I don't include behavioral strategies, prompting and modifications in my lesson plans… they are VERY general. But, they give me place to start when it comes to therapy for the week!

I've listed the names of my lesson plan activities below and where you can get them! :)

Valentine's Day Articulation Carryover Paragraphs by SLP Chelsea (me)
Valentine Heart Challenge by Peachie Speechie
Valentine's Token Boards by Tech 'n' Talk SLPs
Box of Chocolates by SLP Chelsea (me)
Friendship Hearts by Queen's Speech
Valentine's Day Inferences by Expressly Speaking

And, I technically don't plan to use this packet THIS week because I'm overwhelmed with Valentine's Day stuff that is just too cute to pass up, but… I have a President's Day packet that I'll be using next week. I'll go ahead and share this with you now in case you'd like some President's Day materials this week. :)

President's Day Print 'n' Go Packet by SLP Chelsea (me)

Throughout my work week, I often post pictures of what I'm doing in therapy on Instagram! It's my favorite way to share, so be sure to check it out!

I'm getting the hang of this blogging thing slowly but surely… so bear with me. I am only doing regular link-up type posts now since I haven't had much time to do anything else. I'm hoping to post about other things soon… maybe over my long weekend I'll have some time to write. :) 

Have a wonderful week, everyone!!! 

1 comment:

  1. You're doing GREAT with the "blogging thing"! Have a wonderful Valentine's Week!!!
    Thanks for linking up!
