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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Quick Tip Tuesday #2

Hi friends!
Today, I'm linking up with School SLP for another Quick Tip Tuesday Linky! 
This link-up is designed for SLPs to share a quick tip related to the speech and language world. The goal is to share information in a short-read format.
Here you go….

I realized that my "A Look at my Lessons #2" post last night included plans for Valentine's Day crafts and they are pictured in my Instagram photo as well. So, my quick tip this Tuesday is…. take a trip to a craft store for easy, affordable and adorable foam crafts to use in therapy! 

I get most of mine at Hobby Lobby and sometimes I get them from Michael's. I ALWAYS choose the foam crafts that don't require any gluing… it's easier that way and much cleaner, especially for the little ones! I can't even tell you how great these little craft sets are. I use them as open-ended reinforcements during therapy sessions and even during assessments if a child needs additional motivation! The kiddos love taking the crafts home to show them off. I also love that it keeps their little hands busy while waiting their turn in-between tasks during therapy sessions. 

Hobby Lobby always has cute season-themed crafts and they almost always have them at a discounted price! Here's a look at the just a few of crafts I've used during therapy over the past couple years:

I'll be posting more cute little crafts as my kiddos use them, on Instagram, so you can check them out there as well. Get your crafting on, friends! The kiddos LOVE it and you will too! :)

I hope that was a helpful quick tip! Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. I love these little foam crafts! I always do them with my nieces... and for some reason never thought of using them in therapy! Great idea Chelsea!

  2. I've never used the foam kits, but they're really cute! Thanks for the idea!
