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Friday, January 23, 2015

New Blog Design & Products

Hi friends!
This will be a quick post- I'm working on another one for Monday. However, I had to share!

As you can see, I have a brand new blog design!!! I am so thrilled with how it turned out! It's absolutely gorgeous and reflects my personality perfectly! Plus, my puppy Olive is included! I hope you like my new design. If you're looking for a great blog designer, check out Blogs Fit for a Queen! Shanon did an amazing job and was such a breeze to work with. She didn't rest until it was exactly what I wanted!

I'm so excited to share my ideas and products with you, please follow me on other social media sites to keep up with everything I'm doing! The social media buttons on my blog header can direct you there as well!

Although I'm just getting started as a blogger and TpT designer, I've been pinning like crazy on Pinterest for quite a while now- I have tons of great boards to follow. I also a post regularly on Instagram and Facebook. I love to share therapy ideas, silly ecards and pictures of my daily life as a dog-mom, wife and SLP!
I have a bunch of new products in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, so please check them out! I'm really excited to use my new materials in therapy! I even have a Super Bowl themed therapy plan for next week, using one of my new materials!
Anyway, thank you for all of your support. It's already so amazing to see how many people I can connect with and share ideas with through all of these social avenues. Have a great weekend, friends! Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks so happy! :)
